archinstallInstallation script for the Arch Linux operating system3 years
birdscanSoftware to take beautiful pictures of birds with a Raspberry Pi camera3 years
ceresRecipe server for your favorite dishes2 years
craftBuild automation tool for Linux
dotfilesGit repository to track my personal GNU/Linux dotfiles3 years
finance-pyPython library for finance
graphics-inkscapeInkscape files with graphics to be included in other projects
iot-barcode-scannerService that makes barcode scanners available on the network for IoT usage3 years
iot-contactIoT device to check if doors and windows are closed or open
iot-coreCentral device for an Internet of Things network
iot-protocolSpecification of a protocol for IoT use cases
ledcontrolFirmware project for the STM32F103C8T6 microcontroller to control LED strips3 years
libwebRepository with reusable components for web development3 years
limoxThe Linux on mobile XMPP (LimoX) client
optional-goOptional implementation for the Go language
phonelockWayland screen locker for mobile devices
picontrolSmall web application to shutdown or reboot your Raspberry Pi3 years
pkgbuildsRepository with packaging files for the Arch Linux build system3 years
radio-gatewayDevice to grant a computer access to radio-based communication
scriptsSome useful scripts3 years
soundboxDevice to connect classic audio systems to the network
soundbox-appApp to use soundbox devices
soundbox-goGo library to interface with soundbox devices
stlscopeSimple program to view .stl files3 years
stm32f103c8-examplesExample C code for the STM32F103C8T6 microcontroller3 years
web-templateTemplate project to simplify development of web applications3 years
webiotSmall webserver for my personal Internet of Things (IoT)3 years
websiteMy website as a Git repository16 months
xbackupConvenience wrapper around the Borg backup tool3 years
xbotSoftware to create simpel chat bots for the XMPP/Jabber protocol3 years