AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-02-03Enable --save-position-on-quit by default for mpvxengineering
With this option it is not possible to forget the position of the played ressource on quit. This is explicitly valuable for audiobooks or similar media.
2022-12-12Reduce usage of non-ASCII characters in waybarxengineering
These shiny icons are not shipped with Debian. Thus the bar is not displayed correctly. This commit substitutes a lot of icons by strings like 'CPU' or 'RAM' which are also short and even more descriptive.
2022-12-02Let Bash emit the OSC-7 escape sequencexengineering
This allows the foot terminal emulator to launch a new instance in the same directory [1]. [1]:
2022-12-01Use dmenu instead of bemenu for Swayxengineering
bemenu is not included in Debian bullseye.
2022-12-01Add foot configurationxengineering
foot is now my default terminal emulator on Wayland. Thus I need a config for it which suits my preferences.
2022-12-01Switch from alacritty to foot for Swayxengineering
Foot runs well on the PinePhone because it does not need GPU support like alacritty. Furthermore foot is available on Debian.
2022-12-01Update home monitor setup for Swayxengineering
2022-12-01Allow WebRTC sharing on Sway with PipeWirexengineering
This is needed to share an entire monitor via firefox / chromium.
2022-11-20Add nolink alias to .bashrcxengineering
This converts the current working directory to a version with fully resolved symlinks.
2022-11-11Switch to neovim in mimeapps.listJan Krautmacher
Just changing to neovim
2022-11-11Switch default editor to neovimJan Krautmacher
Your new default editor.
2022-11-11Add note aliasJan Krautmacher
Just for temporary notes.
2022-11-07Stop tracking i3 configxengineering
Switched to Sway a long time ago ...
2022-11-07Fix neovim indentingxengineering
Used to double-indent where single indent would be correct.
2022-11-05Add aliases and basic prompt to .zshrcxengineering
2022-11-05Add basic .zshrcxengineering
2022-11-05Add neovim config as symlink to vim configxengineering
2022-10-06Use 'open' implementation also for lfxengineering
2022-10-06Re-introduce open aliasxengineering
This is a combination of nohup and xdg-open to open files in a more independent process. Left to do: How to detach it from the shell so that it does not show up in `jobs`?
2022-10-06Add config file for lf file managerxengineering
This sets xdg-open as default for opening files.
2022-10-06Add lf alias to .bashrcxengineering
This is a workaround to cd into the directory where lf was terminated.
2022-10-06Add some default applicationsxengineering
2022-10-05mimeapps.list: add some minimal defaultsxengineering
2022-10-05Add empty mimeapps.listxengineering
2022-09-25Update Sway home setupxengineering
2022-09-19Add filetype plugin for Vimxengineering
2022-09-13Add $mod+u shortcut for url script to i3 configxengineering
2022-09-13Add t alias for todo.txt CLI toolxengineering
2022-08-19Update timestamp format for aercxengineering
2022-08-05Update aerc.confxengineering
- reduce sidebar width - show email headers in one column - add desktop notification
2022-08-05Remove foot.inixengineering
2022-08-05Remove kitty.confxengineering
2022-08-05Add aerc.confxengineering
2022-08-03Remove systemd user unitsxengineering
2022-08-03Add URL selector shortcut for Swayxengineering
2022-08-03Just add ~/.local/bin to $PATH in Bashxengineering
2022-08-03Increase opacity for footxengineering
2022-07-27Add config for kittyxengineering
2022-07-26Set foot as default terminal emulator on Swayxengineering
2022-07-26Add foot.ini with alpha settingxengineering
2022-06-05Add systemd user units for RSS URL syncxengineering
2022-06-05Add news alias for newsboat in .bashrcxengineering
2022-06-05Fix systemd timer unitsxengineering
2022-06-04Remove unnecessary aliasesxengineering
2022-06-04Add systemd user services for vdirsyncerxengineering
2022-06-04Add systemd user units to synchronize mailxengineering
2022-05-25Update khal-related aliasesxengineering
2022-05-25Add mycal alias to .bashrcxengineering
2022-05-24Add khali aliasxengineering
2022-05-09Enable more info on swaylock lock screenxengineering