# iot-contact iot-contact is an IoT device to check if doors and windows are closed or open. Furthermore roller shutter motors should be controlled. ## Usage The content of this repository can be build with CMake and Ninja. ``` cmake -Bbuild -GNinja ninja -C build ``` Exported files related to the printed circuit board (PCB) can be found in the build folder. ``` tree build/pcb ``` The resulting firmware can be flashed via a ST-LINK debugger / programmer. ``` st-flash --connect-under-reset write build/fw/zephyr/zephyr.bin 0x8000000 ``` UART shell output can be retrieved with `picocom`. ``` picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyACM0 ``` Finally the firmware can be erased from the device with the ST-LINK. ``` st-flash --connect-under-reset erase ``` [1]: https://docs.kicad.org/