--------- pkgbuilds --------- This is my personal collection of packaging files for Arch Linux (PKGBUILDs). In addition to my own personal PKGBUILD files there are also some from the AUR which are added as Git submodules. Usage ----- Clone the repository to your machine (I prefer the own home directory): cd # going to home directory git clone --recurse-submodules https://cgit.xengineering.eu/pkgbuilds Use these commands to build software based on the included PKGBUILD files: cd pkgbuilds/ makepkg -si This will install all needed dependencies (-s), build the package and install (-i) it. You can also use `cd pkgbuilds/AUR/` to use PKGBUILD files from the Arch Linux user repository which I use myself. You can remove the package with this command: pacman -Rsn This will remove (-R) the package including the dependencies (-s) and all configuration files (-n).