------- scripts ------- This repository contains some useful scripts. Installation ------------ You can just download one of the scripts or clone the repository to use them like any other script. Personally I like to pseudo-install them under my `/home` directory. For this purpose I first have to extend my `$PATH` environment variable with the location for personal scripts which is standardized by the cross desktop group (XDG). For this purpose I add this to my `~/.bashrc` file: PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH Then I clone this repository: cd ~/.local/bin git clone https://cgit.xengineering.eu/scripts And finally I link the scripts I need on this machine via symbolic links: ln -s ./scripts/url.sh url The result is that I can call e.g. the `url.sh` script from any location just by typing `url`. I can also add machine-specific script in the `~/.local/bin` folder or rename the `url.sh` script via a different name in the symlink.