# stlscope This little program will allow you to view STL files from your terminal. It uses [Go](https://golang.org/) as the programming language, [OpenGL](https://www.opengl.org/) to render the graphics and [GLFW](https://www.glfw.org/) to create a window to display the model. To use OpenGL and GLFW with the Go language a lot of code is used from the [go-gl project](https://github.com/go-gl/). At the moment it is only usable via the command line interface. ![Image is missing](data/example.png "stlscope") ## Usage It could not be simpler: ``` $ stlscope myfile.stl ``` Have a look at `stlscope -h` to learn about further options. ## Development Milestones Done (most recent first): - [x] implement Makefile to support building - [x] implement minimal viable product To do (most important first): - [ ] package for Arch Linux - [ ] implement controls to modify view - [ ] improve graphics to better display the model - [ ] add support for ASCII STL format - [ ] improve performance with GPU-based matrix-matrix-multiplication ## Further Ressources - [Antons OpenGL tutorial](https://antongerdelan.net/opengl/) - [OpenGL, GLFW and Go tutorial](https://kylewbanks.com/blog/tutorial-opengl-with-golang-part-1-hello-opengl)