# Web Template A template project for mixed static / dynamic web applications. ## Expected Environment - GNU/Linux - systemd - Git, make and python3 are installed ## Current State This project is in **early development** state. Please be very careful. The scripts behind the make targets will install and uninstall files on your system without any checks at the moment. Have a look at the ```Makefile``` and ```manage.py``` for details. ## Usage You can run this example or a web service based on this example like this: ``` git clone https://gitea.xengineering.eu/xengineering/web-template.git cd web-template nano settings.json # tweak to your needs make all make install ``` **Make sure to not edit settings.json until you uninstalled the project!** You can remove it like this: ``` make uninstall make clean ``` You can also make your own project based on web-template: ``` git clone https://gitea.xengineering.eu/xengineering/web-template.git myproject cd myproject git remote rename origin template ``` You can then get updates from this template repository: ``` git fetch template git merge template/master ```