Mail: me@xengineering.eu
XMPP: xengineering@jabber.de
Use the Git link for a Git clone or to view the project in your browser.
- website - xengineering's website as a Git repository [ Git | Atom ]
- birdscan - Software to take beautiful pictures of birds with a Raspberry Pi camera [ Git | Atom ]
- dotfiles - Git repository to track my personal GNU/Linux dotfiles [ Git | Atom ]
- iot-barcode-scanner - Service that makes barcode scanners available on the network for IoT usage [ Git | Atom ]
- ledcontrol - Firmware project for the STM32F103C8T6 microcontroller to control LED strips [ Git | Atom ]
- libweb - Repository with reusable components for web development [ Git | Atom ]
- pkgbuilds - Repository with packaging files for the Arch Linux build system [ Git | Atom ]
- scripts - Some useful scripts [ Git | Atom ]
- stlscope - Simple program to view .stl files [ Git | Atom ]
- webiot - Small webserver for my personal Internet of Things (IoT) [ Git | Atom ]
- xbackup - Convenience wrapper around the Borg backup tool [ Git | Atom ]
- xbot - Software to create simpel chat bots for the XMPP/Jabber protocol [ Git | Atom ]
View a full list of my Git repositories on my cgit server. This includes archived repositories.